Sunday, 23 June 2013

Mods and Hackers ^-^

There's Been ALOT of Mods and Hackers around Woozworld. Most of them are Nice, Like HelloKittyForever A.K.A (Also Known As) LittleRedRidingHood

He adds Everyone who sends him a Request. and he sometimes posts to the Woozin.
There's also the 3 Mods (there's more then 3 mods I just only stated three of them)

Some of the mods are wearing clothing that hasn't even came out yet Like +MOD210 Who's wearing a face that no-one has seen or worn before. my theory on it as that the mods design there own clothing for there woozin to wear or they wear the original clothing that has already been released into Woozworld Shopz.
There are also the bad hackers. the ones that can hack into everything including the Woozworld store like when DD Hacked all those Gift Generators. Hackers have been spotted recently.. like just yesterday
This hacker was spotted in a unit filled with other people who "Wanted" to become hackers. they all wore weird clothing like hackers and mods would wear. and had weird names and wore deadmau5 hair. ANYWAYS. that's all more to come Soon <3 BYEEE >.< ^.^ ^-^
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